Pole dance is both a form of exercise and an art, rooted in the 900-year-old yoga tradition of Mallakham. The combination of dance or movement using a pole is ancient and has diverse origins. While its history stretches far back, pole dance as we know it today exists in various forms, encompassing multiple styles, expressions, and cultural influences. The modern tradition of pole dance is most strongly tied to European circus culture from the 18th and 19th centuries. Traveling circuses featured small dance tents where a central pole, supporting the tent canvas atop a table, served as the stage for dancers to perform.

Pole dancing in combination with stripping originated during the economic boom in the 1960s in Canada. Then poles were set up between the bar counter and the ceiling and the bar staff made good money by dancing on these. But what in the 80s was reserved for strip clubs and gentlemen's bars has now long since moved on, also into the living room. In the 90s, pole dancing was lifted into gyms in the United States, and in 2003 Oprah Winfrey dedicated her program to pole dancing.

In recent years, pole dance has become immensely popular, and as more people have joined with backgrounds that range widely, pole dance has taken many new directions. Pole dance has also been given several names such as; vertical dance (Finland), pole art (China), vertical flex (Abu Dhabi), pole dance and pole dance (both Norway).

Pole dance has developed into a worldwide performing art, dance genre and fitness training branch. Several pole dance competitions are organized annually in many different countries, and the WC is held every year. Sometimes Pole Studio looks forward to sending a Norwegian delegation.

Pole dance as exercise
