Ikke tren hvis du er skadet eller har smerter. Instruktøren din kan be deg forlate klassen hvis du viser tegn til skader og smerter som gjør at du ikke kan gjennomføre undervisningen.

Ikke bruk Body Lotion dagen du skal på pole dance klasse. Body Lotion gjør stangen glatt og øker risikoen for at du kan skade deg.

It is the participants' own responsibility to ensure that they do not expose themselves to physical exertion that goes beyond what they can safely manage. All participants must fill in a health form before taking part in a course at Sometimes Aerial & Pole Fitness AS. If you are in any doubt about your health or if you are pregnant, please inform your instructor before the class begins. If you book classes, workshops or events on behalf of several people, you must check this on behalf of all participants. It is your responsibility to follow the instructions from Sometimes Aerial & Pole Fitness AS instructors. Sometimes Aerial & Pole Fitness AS is not responsible for damages etc. that may occur during training.

Sometimes Aerial & Pole Fitness AS reserves the right to exclude from classes and events participants who show signs of injury or overtraining or who for other reasons should not participate because there is a risk to their own or others' health and safety.
